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Dieci al giorno non sono poi così tante...

The Austrian owner of a 22-year-old Dachshund says the secret of his dog's long life is cigarettes.
Wolfgang Treitler, from Graz, says his dog General Edi has been munching his way through 10 cigarettes a day for years.
Treitler said: "His old owner abandoned him and so we took him in 17 years ago, and noticed straight away that he was in the habit of eating cigarettes.
"He eats the tobacco and the paper, and then chews a while on the filter before spitting it out.
"On average he eats about 10 cigarettes a day, but all of his teeth are fine and he is as fit as a puppy, even though he turned 22 this week."
Local vet Harald Mayr said: "Nicotine normally leads to poisoning in dogs, but in this case the animal has obviously become addicted to it which has increased its level of tolerance."

Via ananova

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